Transforming Paid Ads for Bio One of Poway: A Case Study

The Problem

Franchise Location: Introducing Bio One of Poway, providing context about the franchise and its services.
Low Conversion Rates: Detailing the specific issues with the paid ads, including low conversion rates and the impact on the franchise’s bottom line.
Need for Change: Emphasizing the urgency and necessity for a strategic change in their Google Ads approach.

What We Did to Fix the Problem

Market Deep Dive: Describing how the Five Star Marketing team conducted extensive research into the franchise owner’s market.
Market Deep Dive: Describing how the Five Star Marketing team conducted extensive research into the franchise owner’s market.
Focusing on Keywords: Detailing how we shifted the focus to certain keywords to better reach and help families in need, aligning our marketing efforts with the community’s needs.

The Results

Increased Conversion Rates: Highlighting the 33% increase in conversion of leads, showcasing the direct impact of our intervention.
Reduced Lead Cost: Detailing how we were able to cut the lead cost for death-related searches from $449 to $229, making the franchise’s advertising spend more efficient.
Additional Jobs: Emphasizing the tangible business impact, with the addition of 3 new jobs per month on average, contributing to the franchise’s growth and success.

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